
sfgrapher is a Java applet, based on Ryan Benz' original program written in Cocoa, for plotting diffraction data. (This requires that you have Java enabled in your browser. If you don't have Java installed, you can find out about it here). The user can input a set of structure factors (on the relative-absolute scale) along with the d-spacing and the resulting real-space density profile is plotted in real-time. The user can also adjust the structure factors and d-spacing using sliders to see how changes in the structure factors correspond to changes in the real-space density profile. The user can also plot multiple data sets simultaneously as well as x-ray and neutron data.

The interface should be straight forward to use. The user mainly interacts with the program via the structure factor and x-ray sliders or text boxes. New data models can be created and, by clicking on them in the "Data Model List", manipulated to change how their data is displayed. The color of the control labels corresponds to, and controls, the data model of the same color.