When referencing this page, please use this url: https://blanco.biomol.uci.edu/mpstruc/

mpstruc is a curated database of membrane proteins of known 3D structure. To be included in the database, a structure must be available in the RSCB Protein Data Bank (PDB) and have been published in a peer reviewed journal. The database is manually curated based upon on-going literature surveys. Because of the labor involved, new structures are not posted until they are released by the PDB and the complete reference, including pagination for print journals, is available in PubMed. Our goal is to make mpstruc as accurate and complete as possible. If you find errors or omissions, please send a message to Gracie Han, or mpstruc emphasizes structures determined by diffraction and cryo-EM methods. NMR structures are also included whenever identified. A comprehensive list of NMR-determined structures has been established by Dror Warschawski and is available from the Atoine Loquet lab.

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Latest new protein entered: 22 Oct 2024 at 15:38 PDT.
Last database update: 22 Oct 2024 at 15:42 PDT

New Structures:
Unique proteins in database = 1735
Coördinate files in database = 7961
Published reports of membrane protein structures in database = 3461
A full list of pdb codes currently in the database is available here.

Unique proteins include proteins of same type from different species. For example, photosynthetic reaction centers from R. viridis and R. sphaeroides are considered unique. Structures of mutagenized versions of proteins already in the database are excluded as unique. Proteins that differ only by substrate bound or by physiological state are also excluded. Structures 'obsoleted' by the PDB are not included.

Total number of PDB coördinate files, including those for unique proteins. This number reflects the fact that published reports of structures often include several coördinate files describing, for example, the protein in different crystal forms, or with different bound substrates.

A word about the new interface to the protein table.

There are other ways of viewing the data in the mpstruc database besides the hierarchical view presented in the table on this page. The mpstruc database queries page (follow the above link) provides a list of queries on the database, some of which provide tables with sortable columns. Some of the queries may take a few moments. Query results are also available as XML data.

Currently available queries include requesting a list of unique proteins, a list of all published reports, counting unique proteins by year, and counting all published reports by year.

XML Representations

An XML representation provides a convenient machine or human readable format of the portion of the data table that has been made visible, and allows you to build software tools to consume it as you see fit. You can use the URLs adjacent to the buttons below to access the same view the corresponding button provides.

This button generates an XML representation of the currently visible portion of the table.


If your browser doesn’t directly display a nicely formatted XML page, it should provide a "view page source" menu selection that will. It should also provide a "save page" option so that you can download the XML formatted data.

If you’re not familiar with XML and how to use it, a good source of information is available here.


Generated XML uses the following Document Type Definition (DTD):

<!DOCTYPE mpstruc [
  <!ELEMENT mpstruc (caption,groups*)>
  <!ATTLIST mpstruc createdBy CDATA #REQUIRED>
  <!ATTLIST mpstruc maintainedBy CDATA #REQUIRED>
  <!ATTLIST mpstruc copyright CDATA #REQUIRED>
  <!ATTLIST mpstruc url CDATA #REQUIRED>
  <!ATTLIST mpstruc lastNewProteinDate CDATA #REQUIRED>
  <!ATTLIST mpstruc lastDatabaseEditDate CDATA #REQUIRED>
  <!ATTLIST mpstruc timeStamp CDATA #REQUIRED>
  <!ELEMENT caption (#PCDATA)>
  <!ELEMENT groups (group*)>
  <!ELEMENT group (name,proteins,subgroups)>
  <!ELEMENT subgroups (subgroup*)>
  <!ELEMENT subgroup (name,proteins)>
  <!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA)>
  <!ELEMENT proteins (protein*)>
  <!ELEMENT memberProteins (memberProtein*)>
  <!ELEMENT protein (pdbCode,name,species,taxonomicDomain,expressedInSpecies,resolution,description,
  <!ELEMENT memberProtein (pdbCode,masterProteinPdbCode,name,species,expressedInSpecies,resolution,
  <!ELEMENT pdbCode (#PCDATA)>
  <!ELEMENT masterProteinPdbCode (#PCDATA)>
  <!ELEMENT species (#PCDATA)>
  <!ELEMENT taxonomicDomain (#PCDATA)>
  <!ELEMENT expressedInSpecies (#PCDATA)>
  <!ELEMENT resolution (#PCDATA)>
  <!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)>
  <!ELEMENT bibliography (pubMedId,authors,year,title,journal,volume,issue,pages,doi,notes)>
  <!ELEMENT pubMedId (#PCDATA)>
  <!ELEMENT authors (#PCDATA)>
  <!ELEMENT year (#PCDATA)>
  <!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)>
  <!ELEMENT journal (#PCDATA)>
  <!ELEMENT volume (#PCDATA)>
  <!ELEMENT issue (#PCDATA)>
  <!ELEMENT pages (#PCDATA)>
  <!ELEMENT doi (#PCDATA)>
  <!ELEMENT notes (#PCDATA)>
  <!ELEMENT secondaryBibliographies (bibliography*)>
  <!ELEMENT relatedPdbEntries (pdbCode*)>

Links to the Protein Data Bank Site
Links to the Structural Biology Knowledgebase Site
Membrane Proteins of Known 3D Structure
(Table description)
PDB Code Links Reference
(links are to PubMed)
Reviewed by Allen et al. (2018)
Database of Peripheral Membrane Proteins

Description of Table

The table above is initially presented in a collapsed form, and the user can expand different sections of the table, or the entire table, and bookmark different sections of the table, or a fully expanded table version of the page, using the , , , and icons on the left margin of the table section headers.

mpstruc Taxonomic Domain data are derived from the UniProt Knowledgebase, which is based on the NCBI taxonomy database. These taxa can be searched for using 'Text Search of Table', above. The following icons are used in the table, as appropriate:


The figure at the top right of the page shows the progress of membrane protein structure determination. The figure may be used freely in seminar presentations provided that the URL and lab information on the image are not removed.


mpstruc has a new user interface to help accommodate the growing size of the protein data table. The dynamic nature of this new interface is handled by your browser, and so, your particular browser, its configuration, and your hardware configuration all may have an impact on the interface performance.

We've found that, in general, contemporary versions of Firefox, Chrome, and Safari provide the best performance. Internet Explorer performs well, but is a bit awkward when attempting to create a bookmark for this page to open with an expanded table (preparing the proper URL requires a page reload). This may also be an issue for older versions of the previously mentioned browsers.

The Opera browser, while full featured, seems to be the slowest browser of those we've tested. If this is your favorite browser, you may want to bookmark an expanded table version of the page, and avoid using the dynamic features of the table.

Of course, browser providers are providing frequent updates of their products, so these observations may be out of date by the time you read this.

By the way, you can use the icons to bookmark sections of the table. That icon in the table header allows you to create a bookmark for this page with the table fully expanded.

If you discover any issues with this interface, please let us know. We want to make this resource as useful as possible!